Organizations are deciding ways to return infrastructure and output to as close to “natural” as practicable as lockdown and social distancing strategies begin to grow. Since the situation is fluid, it is important to monitor federal guidance on a regular basis. The ‘Working Safely’ advice exists in England, but there is additional material for Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
- People that are healthy
- Workplaces that are safe
- Safe systems and appliances
If an employer fails to exercise due caution in any of these areas, an employee will be entitled to make a variety of claims, including resignation and demands for constructive unfair dismissal and personal injuries. It is a criminal offence for an employer to violate an obligation (such as the obligation to have insurance).
Employers are also required to follow health and safety regulations. Any businesses with more than five workers are expected to have a written health and safety policy under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). In cases of noncompliance, law agents have the right to issue enhancement or prohibition notices, which can result in administrative charges such as substantial fines and incarceration. Employers with less than five workers can find it helpful to log their health and safety procedures. Employers have a strong moral duty to protect their workers from injury, in addition to adhering to all legal requirements on health and safety.